Date of Birth: 11. Jun 2002.
Place of birth: Vršac
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 34 kg
Position: Middle
Former clubs: /

Other info
Nickname: Bekam
Life moto: Sve se moze kada se hoce!
Favorite athletes: Lionel Messi
Favorite sport club: Barcelona & Partizan
Unrealized dream: Da budem igrac Barcelone i igram na stadionu Camp Nou
Favorite movies: Sam u kuci
Favorite food: /
Favorite music: /
Other interest: fudbaler

Last Updated
November 28, 2013
1-3 of total 3 leagues
Pionirska liga Južnog Banata "Istok" 2014/20151715500626
Pionirska liga Južnog Banata grupa Istok 2013/2014108100413
MINI MAXI LIGA 2013/20140000000
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